
preparing the mc chain
flc 1010 chain spray

Ready for a new season? Preparing the moped or motorcycle ensures unpleasant surprises on the road.

By Peter Rahbek
Part of an article brought in the magazine FDM* / ENGINE, April 2003
Translated by LUBRAL/ok.

* The Federation of Danish Motorists (Danish: Forenede Danske Motorejere, abbreviated FDM)

Getting ready

Motorcycles, mopeds and scooters are not very different in terms of maintenance. Mopeds and scooters are of course packed in plastic, but the vital parts are available as with the motorcycle. One major difference, though, is the chain. Most scooters and mopeds have closed chains or straps that do not require care. Motorcycles usually have a visible chain which requires some attention.

On a motorcycle, scooter or moped, especially the tires are important for safety. Where worn tires can be dangerous on a car, they are three-fold dangerous on a motorcycle. The last thing you want on a motorcycle is to lose the grip, even for a very short moment. It at least requires that the tires are intact and without bumps and have a lot of pattern, not less than 3 mm.

Chain maintenance

If the two-wheel drive chain is closed, it is maintenance-free. If you have a visible chain you know that it is usually not separable and that all care, therefore, should be done with the chain mounted. Place the bicycle on the central support leg and release it. 

Carefully check the chain for the inside coming rust. If seeing the rust coming from inside out there's only one thing to do: Get your MC to the mechanic to change the chain. If the chain is without rust then it can be given and should be given chain cleaning spray. Turn the rear wheel with your hand to reach the entire chain. Finally spray the chain with a chain spray designed for motorcycles.

Tip: The chain should be lubricated after each drive. It extends the life of both the chain and the gear wheels. 
Warning: Never let the engine pull the rear wheel while lubricating the chain. It is dangerous.


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